What Makes ACCELQ API Automation Different From Other Tools?

At ACCELQ, we were tired of setting up and managing our own servers. We wanted a platform that was easy to use, required no maintenance, and could scale automatically without us having to worry about it. It needed to be secure but also integrate with the tools we already used for development. We decided to make our own serverless platform. Hence we came up with ACELLQ API Automate – the most comprehensive automation tool for API and more! 

What is API Automation?

API automation is the process of automating API requests to increase productivity and reduce costs. It’s a bit like API management, but the key difference is that API automation uses software to make API requests on behalf of applications. As the number of APIs available increases, so too does the number of requests per day. Automation software like ACCELQ can help increase operational efficiency and reduce the amount of manual intervention required to keep the API platform running smoothly. It’s also a great way to handle scaling issues during periods of increased API activity.

What makes ACCELQ API Automation different from other tools?

It is codeless. So what? There are a plethora of tools available in the market that are codeless. Codeless API test automation is just one of the many benefits that come with UI testing. Since there is little to no code involved, you can achieve faster results and build confidence in your tests by leveraging real user data anytime you need it. What more does ACCELQ provide? Here is a quick list of features that ACCELQ provides in addition to being a zero-code platform:

Conclusion: API test automation is critical for ensuring that your APIs are functioning properly. Instead of manually testing each API endpoint, you can use an automated tool to perform the same functions every time. ACCELQ Software offers easy-to-use API testing services so you don’t have to waste time repeating tedious tasks. Choosing ACCELQ for API test automation can help you achieve faster build times, lower maintenance costs, and more efficient test execution.  You can contact us today for more information or sign up here to try our software!

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