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The Role of Healthcare Policy and Procedure Management Software

Role of Healthcare Policy and Procedure Management Software

The Role of Healthcare Policy and Procedure Management Software

Part of running any healthcare organization is deciding which tools are necessary and appropriate. Healthcare-specific policy and procedure software is one of the tools you need to run a healthcare organization effectively. This article will cover the role of healthcare policy and procedure management software and how it should become integral to your operations.


What Is the Purpose of Policy Management Software?


Your organization has policy and procedure manuals in every department. You might ask,  “Why bother with policy management software?” Your manuals may be up-to-date today, but with ever-changing federal and state rules and regulations, as well as accreditation organization standards, a policy management software solution is no longer something you might need; it is something you do need to maintain compliance.  



The employee investment and ongoing cost of the staff needed to research, interpret, and stay abreast of federal regulations, CMS transmittals, HIPAA, OSHA, state regulations, and changes in standards from accrediting organizations such as TJC and DNV is prohibitive. Unfortunately, if something goes wrong, the fact that you are working on a policy is insufficient. You are expected to know precisely what is needed, update the policy,  have it available to staff, and provide staff education addressing the new policy or the update. It is not acceptable to fall behind.



A good policy management software solution provides for a systematic way to update or create a policy, get the policy approved, and assign the new or updated policy to appropriate staff requiring attestation stating that the staff member understands the new or updated policy. The audit trail for policy updates and staff policy education is a fundamental component of any policy management software. 


How Does Healthcare Policy and Procedure Management Software Improve Patient Care?


Healthcare policy and procedure software helps to ensure staff are aware of and follow the latest policies and procedures, which helps to prevent errors and enhances the quality of patient care and safety. 


How Can Healthcare Policy and Procedure Management Software Help with Compliance Issues?



Policy management software is a valuable tool for helping healthcare organizations comply with rules, regulations, and standards and avoid costly fines and penalties. Automation in the policy creation and maintenance process decreases the work required of the Policy and Procedure Committee and Compliance Department, allowing staff to focus on other tasks and saving your organization time and money.


What are the Benefits of Using Policy Management Software?


Healthcare policy and procedure management software can help improve patient care, increase efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.  


  • Patient Care: This software can improve patient care by ensuring staff are up-to-date with policies and procedures. 
  • Efficiency: Streamline policy and procedure creation and maintenance processes by automating the many steps required to update policies as changes are released.
  • Compliance: Ensure compliance with regulatory bodies by receiving email alerts.
  • Education: Improve staff knowledge of policies and procedures.
  • Communication: Support organizational communication by having all policies and procedures in one centralized electronic software solution. Staff have access 24/7 to the current version of a policy and procedure ensuring coordination of care across departments. 


How Can Healthcare Policy and Procedure Management Software Help Streamline Processes?


The right healthcare policy and procedure management software helps the organization to streamline policy creation, review, and approval. The days of outdated hardcopy manuals in every department are over. Automated workflows keep everyone on track and allow for staff access to the current version of a policy and procedure 24/7.



How Does Policy Management Software Fit Into My Organization?


Policy management software is a valuable tool for improving efficiency throughout your organization. Automating critical points of the policy creation and maintenance process will save you and your staff time and money. Schedule a demo of MCN’s Policy Manager today to learn how we can partner to keep your organization compliant and running smoothly.

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